This example and the documentation which shows how ACE and MFC harmony to solve memory leak due to improper call, the interface width character set issues. 这个例子以及其中的文档演示了如何使ACE与MFC和谐共处,解决因调用不当导致内存泄露、宽窄字符集接口等问题。
All these are usually relevant directly to the over-expansion and improper control of local government's benefits caused by its "economy man" character. 究其原因,往往与地方政府经济人本性导致其自身利益过度膨胀和控制不当直接相关。
However, in practice, the improper use of the fictional character has caused a serious confusion in the market and broke the balance of interests between the fictional character owner and users. 但在实践中,商家对虚拟角色的不当利用,严重侵害了角色所有者的合法权利,导致所有者和使用者之间的利益失衡,造成了严重的市场混乱。